We accept donations via credit card and PayPal, or, if you prefer to donate by mail, please send your check to our address below. (Note: we encourage large donations to be sent by check, given the significant PayPal fees incurred.)
Tribal Link Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization; all contributions are tax deductible. Thank you for your generosity.
This Fund is dedicated to documenting and sharing the histories, stories, traditions, challenges, and contributions of Indigenous communities the world over, with special emphasis on participants in Tribal Link’s flagship program, Project Access. It will also focus more broadly on providing the vital resources necessary to support Tribal Link's ongoing efforts in the service of the world's Indigenous Peoples.
Through your support of this Fund, you will ensure that Tribal Link's vision, as developed and implemented by Pamela Kraft over the last 28 years, will live on to advance the rights, resources, and voices of Indigenous Peoples around the world.
If you would like to donate to this Fund, please indicate “PK Memorial Fund” in the memo line when you make a donation via PayPal or check.
Top photo by David Hircock; bottom photo by Andy Wanning